Monday, October 02, 2006

Lazy Monday Morning

And I guess a happy Monday to everyone...yep, 1:00am, it's Monday. I've been a little on the quiet side this last week, trying to throw myself headlong into the writing and see what would happen. But alas, the great experiment was a great failure. Each question brought up three more, I stressed too much over how the story would flow, and didn't get a whole lot done. I have a lot more ideas, but no direction. I plan to shift gears this week and start writing different scenes, who cares where they lie. I had originally thought about starting from the beginning and going from there, but I'll try working on the parts I'm most clear about and hopefully that will get some answers. Maybe not, but it's worth a shot.

Also, I realize how many of you must have missed me last week, so expect lots of wit and candor over the next several days to make up for it. On the agenda: Spoon, pop perfection, and angry Muslims. Should be fun.

First on the list, it was a great weekend for Missouri sports. By that, I mean the Tigers and St. Louis teams. Saturday, the Tigers beat Colorado in the Big 12 opener to go 5-0 for the first time since 1981, which is 1BG if you were curious. Luckily, I've been able to see three of their games this season and they've looked surprisingly good. Quick defense, strong running game, and I'm really liking this Chase Daniel character. Up next: Texas Tech, where my sister attends, and also home to the worst tap water I've ever tasted. You can't buy liquor in Lubbock either, as if that town wasn't appealing enough already. But I digress...

Yesterday, the Cardinals clinched the Central by, very appropriately, losing. St. Louis, despite their best efforts, won the division for the third straight year by beating out Houston by a game and a half. This is a team up 7.5 games on Cincinnati with 13 games to go and just barely sputtered into the postseason, losing 5-3 today to Milwaukee. But I'll still cheer them on fanatically. And when all is said and done, I expect the playoff beard to be matured to its full month potential.

First up, a very good San Diego team that beat us 3-of-4 a week ago. Our pitching can be solid (it hasn't all), and the run support is always there, so let's just hope they get their shit together by Tuesday afternoon. Anyone care to join me at the bars for the game? My treat. Let me know, we'll talk tomorrow. Dig? Dug.


Patrick W. Rollens said...

Keep an eye toward your mailbox, good sir -- the past 6 months' of my magazine are headed your way.

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Suh-weet. I look forward to it. Drop me your address, or I'll wait for the envelope, and I'll send you some back issues of my three magazines. It'll be a nice cultural exchange between two ambassadors of the printed medium. Word.

Austin said...

Damn Cardinals! They better do better. Better.

3kalb said...

I must say that when I was writing with Evan we would first get really baked, which always seemed turn the creative flow to max, and then just write whatever scene came to our head. Later we would link them together. It worked rather well. We shot out two or three frameworks. I started going back and filling in the cracks to a couple of them, mainly the zombie movie, but I'm horrible when it comes to dialogue. That was always Evan's specialty, and I haven't seen him in weeks. VENGEANCE!

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

The temptation is always there, but I try to steer away from the smoke n write, although I can see how working in tandem gets some good ideas back-&-forth. Mostly, I just do the smoke. But it'd be nice to have a partner in crime to write with; the roommate is working on a different project than me. See, I can crank out the dialogue, but have trouble with the rest. Hmm, is this fate working?

3kalb said...

If it is it it is if is it is?

I sort of starte of I sorted of start.

Ok, I am done am ok I am.

dammit! (Ok, that one didn't work)

Point being, if it is fate why the hell must it place two brilliant minds so far apart? You can't conceive when you can't touch and see.

FFBJW - Funger Fickin Blob Jow Wendaline

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

I'm not sure I follow, but I like your style.

And there's no worries about the distance, fate works in mysterious ways. Soon we'll find ourselves at the same roadside diner in Boise and we'll take off on an adventure that rivals Thelma & Louise. Well, without the dying, but DEFINITELY with Brad Pitt. He's so hottt.