"I don't see what the big deal is, everyone steals from everybody."
You guys come up with some pretty clever, fun stuff on your blogs. Bravo. There have been many times I've thought, "I should post that, too, and share their wit and candor with the world. THE WORLD!" But then I realize my readership is much smaller than the world's, and the people who read my posts probably read that person's, too.
What can I say, I need to get out to those singles blogs and meet some new people. It's just so hard, and the next morning there's nothing to show for it except the smell of cheap perfume on your sheets and the shirt she stole from you she said she'd give back cuz she didn't want to wear her halter top from last night but she's only going to drive straight home and now she's wanting to take your last bagel even though you were looking forward to toasting it up before work and oh my god I'm late for work...Where was I? Ah yes, sharing other people's cleverocity. The brains over at Crowdpleaser recently introduced us to a customizable version of the famous picture of Einstein at his blackboard, and what can I say, I was taken by its endless possiblities of humor. You can also find some other fun pictures to edit at the site, like the one above. You should check it out if you haven't already. But you probably have. And that's cool, too. Keep up the good work, everyone.
Genius Blackboard
That's side-splitting fun indeed, sir
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